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Viticulture and Enology
About us
Latest News

Our Members
The Southern Minnesota Wine Grower Alliance membership has vineyard and winery owners as members. Membership is not limited and open to anyone interested in growing grapes, making wine or just learning more about the industry. The SMWGA has staff ready to help members with solutions to problems they encounter. Our qualified staff includes an Iowa State University trained viticulturist able to advise about growing issues. A sensory panel available to evaluate trials and other special projects.
Welcome to the Southern Minnesota Wine Grower Alliance!
The SMWGA was formed to heighten awareness of the Minnesota grape and wine industry by advancing legislative support, advancing quality standards in the production of Minnesota grapes and wine and providing education to growers, winemakers and the public. We invite you to explore our website and discover the exceptional quality of the Minnesota Grape and Wine Industry.
Coming Soon
A Sensory evualuation class. Contact us if you would be interested in attending a class that will help you identify wine faults and descriptors. The class size will be limited. Please respond early for your reservation.
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